CnAP.5. Epiflletothe 7he/falonii n. Vsa.. 23. There were that taught, the corruption deriued from Adam to flay only in the ínferiour parts of the foule ;the appetite and fenfuality. ildentior,if I thinke not Papilts moll of that minde ; fo Phi.lofophically conceit they the Combate betwixt fiefh and Spirit, to import little more, than that confikl Heathens obferued betwixt Reafon and Appetite. Generally it goes current, that the higher faculties are infeebled only ; Grace alters nor their quality, but afli$s their infrmitie. Contra. Fir!I, Why then prayes Paul, Sanftification to the Spirit of man ? Secondly , How perfwades hee indeauour of Re- nouation in the fpirit of our minde ? Thirdly, Notes En- rtrtic in Natures Wifedome againiGods Law ? Fourth- ly, And placeth fomething P'ley, in the vn1erFtanding ? The purcft part muff be fanetiñed ; is therefore dcpraucd in the qualitie and conflitution of ir. The fecond point offered to our ollferuation is ; that where truth of Santl , ficat ion is v oath fäfed,the whole of span partakes it : no part or power of Body or Souk, but fecles vertue of Gods Spirit purging corruption, falle. ping impreflions of holy Qtzalities. Old things are pal fed'away ; q Behold all thing in the new Creature, are become new. And lure it is, The Grace of Chrifl is cue ry whit as large, as the finne of e/Adam; what it hath wounded, Chrifls Grace hath falned ; that his power may appeare as great to fane, as e4dams was to de. !troy. It may be, this power of Gods fanlìifyingSpirit ap- peares not alike euidently in curry part, yet hark euery particle his feafoning with Sanllity. Whereby true SanElity, is discerned, Firfl, from that Mocke- grace- Ciuility : harbouring in the minde grof- fell Ignorance and Vanitie ; tolerating r lafeiuiona, wrathful!, prophane affettions; Careful! ofnothing, fane of plaufible outward carriage and demeanour in the cics of men.