CHAP. Ç. min Expoftion Von thefirfi Vir ,24. Secondly,From halting Hypocrific ; rigorouíly hand - lingiìnnes it cares not for ; i tendering their dar1m, and with wantonneuI indulgence cockering ir. Thirdly, From pretended purity of heart; while the tongue runs ryot in filthinefie, rayling, blafphemie; the eyes are ?tili of adultery; the hands of rapine and violence, Ike. May wee thinke the fountaine clean that flreames out inch fihhineffe ? or any thefe party_Deuils, to be pzrtî.d} paints ? ByPaulr rule, he is no Saint, that is not wholly fanffified ; he bath fana:}ity in no partathatis not fan£t bed itt euery part. V E R S. 24. Faithfull is he that caller hyora, who alfd will doe it. He fecondpart of the Cónclufion, deliue- ring fweetconfolarion ; affuring them of obtaining the bleffi ngs prayed for ; the parts are two. Firfi, an atTertion, god willdoeit. Secondly, confirmation of the auouchment, by a double reafon : Firft, from the property of God, bee ù futthfult ; which im- plies his promife. Secondly from the anion of God be_ gunne and continued ;in Pauli apprehenfion a pledge of ff Gods purpoic to perfeE1 and prelatic them ;becaufehee calls them. Prayeth Patel for that which he is dffured the Lord will.doe?Beiik e then, Gods promifet and purpo fer that are of fterei accompli /hmezt, rrruf be furthered to accomplifl- ment,by prayer, and fuch like meaner as rod bathfan tlt fa t Luke 2.4. 26, ed. t What more certaine, than Chrifl:r retterne to hirglo- ry.hishumiliation being finifhed ? yet with tvbatinflánce ' Iohn 174. U prayes he of his Father, his owne and his Churches glo- Rcu12 .17,zo rie? Them Spirit and the 'Bride fay, ¿Come, though Amen bath teflified, that he trill come quickly. No