Ae.5, £psflleto the Thefeilouiats. Via. s4. No man can thinke it flrange that viewes, Firft , the qualicic and constitution of Gods decree touching grace andglory ; fo ordered, that it is not abfolute for the end, but includes the meanes, God loath cho fen vs to faluation, (hall we fay as thofe dcfperate, howfoeuer we liue ? In no fort, but Y through fanaificationof the Spirit , andFaith of riThefn.13. the Truth. Thence is that reafoning of the Apoille, from Gods.purpofe touching the end, to our neceffary vfe and application of the meaner. The Gentiles God decrees tofame. No matter, would a mifcreant fay, though the. Gofpell be neuer preached vntothem.; Paul otherwi(e, Therefore to them al fa mull, the Ogled be preached. Sec z Rom. s 0.13, alto -s Tim. z. rr}. The fame, evidence of the signification ofG o n s will y and purpofe; twe waits bath God manifetled to vs his purpofe touching the faluation of his Church. Firft, by Promife. Secondly, by Precept : His Promifes lignifie, what hewill doe: His Precepts prefcribe, what we mull doe, that his Promises may be to vs fulfilled. To his Church bee promiferh, to forgiue their limner ; wirhall 'giues vs command, a to repent and beleeue, that ourftnnes a Alts 3.r9. mad be done away when the time ofrefrefhingfhallcome: his promise is to fame hid Children ; their duty yet, h to h A R. sz.4o. fauethemfelues from the vntoward generation. I forbeare much proofe, rather apply it to vfe : Reprouing, not without indignation, the prophane opinion and praEtife of men, that turne thegrace of Gad into wantonnefe : and in a defperate refolution, vpon a mistaken ground, neg lc£t all holy meanes of furthering Gods gracious pur- pofes to their execution. If God will faue them, hee will faue them ; what necdes fuch nucenefre in matter of obe- dience ? If he willfanetifie them, he will fanetific them, though meanes offanEtification beneglc&ted. How firangeand prophane is this abufe of the grace ofGod ; that what hee propounds to encourage vs to vfe the meanes he hath fancttfied, we should fo farre per- M in 4 ucrti 565 re áYf