56.5 Cxat'.5. .4.oExpolitionvpottthtftrfl N' x 24, C 1 Cor 15.53. dHeb.IL,I.. e I Cor.9,26. t Ephef.I.4. t aPet.r.ro. nett, as to make our .chiefe excitement to contemne them ? How fhould it encourage to labour for the meat that perifhetb not,to know,o,r labour fball not c be in v.rine in the Lord ? How animate vs, to di-tonne with ioy the race, t hat is fet b, fore vs ? becaufe we run not on e vncertainties. In things of this life, nothing fo much excites our indu.. flrie,as airuranee ofgood illûe : How fats ir, that in mat- ters of faluation,ir fhould dull our in deuours ? We cannot palie dome on any (luring this life, nor fentence the vileft mifcreants as Reprobates : Howbeit, of men thus reafoning,.we may fafelyfáy, They haue yet no evidence of their elefbon to Life. Let Gods people all be admonifhed, to beware how they admit thought of fundring, whatGod would haue ioyncd together. Let thiseuerbe noted one difference betwixt Faith and Prcfumption : Faith, hauing promife of ablefling,vfeth with precifeftcare, meanes ordered to obtaine it. Prcfumption, fo builds on the promife, that it regards not 'manes of accomplifhmenr..See Ali. X7.2 ,31. The fubfcance of the Confolation, God will dot it, that is,will fan 1ifie you throughout, and preferue you blamelefre in that gracious eflare. The conclufion here affoord cd vs, is, whom Godbegins to Janl}i f e, becontinues to fanili fie,andpreferttes otter in the gate o`fanlls`tie. ThecolleEion,fay fome,isnaughr,except we limit it to the Elec`I. Belike then, it is pollible for Reprobates to befanaifed. Let that conclufion be examined. Firft . fSa nE?1,6xar>on,wefindeScriptures ro make as properly a fait of election, as faluation. Secondly, .foro appro- priate it to Gods Chafen, that iris made the vndot,bt full g mark° of eleflion: How is it a figne of elefuion, ifinci dent into a Reprobate ? Thirdly, the Spirit of Santt:frca- 'íon promifed onely to the Elea : the h Irorld cannot re- ceiaehim. Fourthly, the heauenl yinheritanceappropria- ted ro Gods Chofen, yet extended to ; that are Santli- fied, . . . .