CI4AP. 5.. Epsßietotheihct /alo1Jia$s. Vak. s4. fed. Fitly, And 1 wonder, by whatmeane is this btef Ping procured to Caft- awayes ? Not by their ovine mc- rit : }or whogiues God fi, ff ? Neither may we thinke the Lord fo prodigall of this fau3ur, as to cati it away, on themwhom he bath cart from his Loue : A s for Chrith merit and intereefIìon, by which alone it is purchafed to the Elia,therein hath the k world no portion. What place then for fuch limitation ?We refumcthe Conclufion pro pounded,in largeft fenfe ;and thus make good the truth of it. i He that begins the good worke, grill perfitt st to the day oflefus. The Lord will m confirmeyou to be blamele ff in the day of the Lord Iefsu Chrif?. For our fuller comfort, we haue Gods promife : his Faithfulneffe and Truth laid to pacane, -(hall we doubt of his faithfulnetlre ? What promife of G o n made to the Church, Teemed it neue.r fo n improbable orimpof ble the eie-of Reafon,euerfailed of due accomplifhment ? it is true, may forne fay, God is faithful áand true, fo we be not vnfaithfull. Firft,Not onely fo, faith The Apoftle, but rod is true, eArnfw. though 0 essay man be in part vn; aithfull. The vnfaithful- a Rom.3. 4. nefe of men doth not abrogatet.heTruth of God.S econdly, God promifeth not onely the twine blcilings, but the meanc graces; promifeth to finable vs to performe, wharhe requires to be performed of vs : Mee commanda P Ier 3i 4o to wake, in his feare; promifeth fo P to put his feare into oar heart s,that weithall not depart from hm : commands to pray,and make lcnowne our wants voto him promi- fech to powre upon vs 9 the Spirit ofgrace anddeprecation : 9 Zach.12..10. Commands to keepehis Cnn:mandements: promifeth Eech,36.n7. to r caufe vs to wake in his Statutes. So forcibly flower our Confolation from the fairhfulncffe of the Promifer. See if from the fait of God, mentioned by the.P- poule, it.runn es not as fluent. He ca &thyou; therefore will doit. God calleth three wayes. Fitt} , Operando . Secondly, Loquende. Thirly, Spirando. By his Wm kes, his S67 N. k 10107 9. Phil 1.6. n Ro111,4.17,1 8 ObieFit. e