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CrtAP.5. An x/rofttonr paMthe_ßarfit Vsn.24. his Word, and his Spirit. Firff, by the works of Creation and Prouidence, bee calls alowd to the fonnes of men, that they Jhould r feeke after and acknowledge that God that made the world, and the fulnefe thereof for the vfe of men ; that raine and fraitfall feafons, and filled) our heart: with ioy and gladeefe. The ;trues and effcf} of this calling, is only to depriae of excale. Secondly, To this therefore hath hee added in his Church, his Word and Minilery thereof; therein inui- cing all chat beate it, toRepenrance and Saluation: with - all, (hewing the way and rneanes of reconciliation, and peace with God. But this allo, is often through maxi hard re ffe nand infidelity, ineffeeimall to fare. Thirdly, Therefore is the Spirit Pent allo together with the Word,by fecrec motions and inlfinEts exciting our hearts to accept fo grease faluation offered in the Gofpcll. And of his call mg arc two degrees. Firff, In- uicemenr. Secondly, effeCtuall perfwation. Incitement hath place in many caff- awaits ; children of perdition haue their holy motions, and heare that voice behinde them : x Here is the way, walla yee in it. Wretchedcai- tiffes that quench Gods Spirir,refi f the Holy Ghoff,and fmother violently the fweet motions and inffinas where with he ínfpires them. Hereto therfore he ads,in thofe whom he.purpofeth to faue, effeauall perfwafìon ; preuailing with their hearts to enrertaine the Grace offered, and framing them to the obedience of the Will ofGod. Of this calling it is truly faid,it is a pledge to vs ofour profs ion,and prcferuati -- on in Grace. Therefore makes Peter no quellion, but .making Y our calling fare, we make ear elehie,, and Alma- don fire : and Pauldcliwering vs like confolation elfc- where, buildes on the fame ground, z Firf, Cod is faithfall.Secondly, That kith called you to the fe(lowJlap of his Sonne Ief s Chr. fl. The Text explained, hath fully proued the conclufion. I meant