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CHAp.s, Épif#le to the 7heffalontans. VE R, 24. 569 I meane not on this occation to make long flay in confuting the Doctrine of the poflìble Apoflaûe of the Saints. The heads of Reafons brought to maintaine it, I touch one:y. Firfl, Cautions many we haue giuen vs, to Tooke to a our flaodinr ; to fiare, to beware how b wee r Cor. ro. tz. fall from the grace of Gvd. o/Infr. Firll,thefe (hewa poi fibiliry ofreuolcing in refpeet of our weak eneffe, and the power of meanes alfaulring vs : tend to admonilh,not to prefume of our owne flrcngth, but to relic on the power and promife of.God. This hinders not our reflirg fe- curely on the faichfulneffe and power of the promifer whereon depends our flablen die ir, Cracc.See ¡Pet. i.S. Secondly, they imply a poflibility conditionate onely, not abfolute : fuppofe thus ; it is poflible to tall from Grace, except our care be to (land. But this caurionate_ nes in Gods children, is as certain in their performance, as the iniuneïion is in the precept. )tofo xi borne of Clod, t Iolui Sr8. e keeps himfelfe ; and that ers:ll one tottcheth him not,¡ lob. 5. i 8. Thirdly, they are meanes effeEluall to worke, what they. prefcribe : Humility, fiare and trembling, to depart from the liuingGod. Secondly, Paul intimates ; experience teflifies fome Obfer. SanFh;feed co-haue fallen away. . Of men Sanflified,afterthe Homonymieofche-word, Anfw. Scripture notes dicers degrees. Firi, force Sacramen- taliter ; fo all d Baptit,ed, are faid to be Sanl ified , be- cau fe of their e rOalbing 01 that lauer of Regeneration : and e Tit.3 in Baptifine to the Seruice of Cod. Secondly, fume ),n psyos; thatreceiue forme parrs mate- iiall of SanEiifcation, f Illumination, outward R forma_ s zPer.z.iß. hon. d-c. Thirdly, force xr ,rhAit r, by way.of difpofi tion ; as chofe rhat-arefaid to g tafietthe be-axeuly lift, and s Hcb. 6.44. powers of the world to come. Fourthly,fome xr erb ur ; in the opinion and h charitable Judgement of men. Fiftly, h z Pet.z.i. force ,g)' àr6,a, u'; In trurh'receiuing the habited gifts of Saneficy: cifthefeoncly is ourconelulion ;of others the teflimo.