Cn .5. .4s Expoftim volt the trft VHR.24. teflimonies and experiences alleaged, vnderftood. Thirdly, billy, the fouleí falls of Gods Saints are produced ; which how may we concciue co Rand with Sanclífication ? Such finnes could not hand with the exercife or aft of Grace; yet well enough with the habite of San Critic as the vnreafinable and brutifh behauiour of a man in his drinke,fiands not with the vfe;yet well enough with the faculty of Reafon. So that notwithflanding thcfepp pofitions, the conclufon hands firme, for the certaine progreife and preferuation in fanflity of all that God bath begun to fanfuifie. How full of fweet comfort and confolation is it vnto Gcds Saints,-wreflling with corruption, and many a vile thought, headflrong in rebellion ? incounrred with principalities and powers; fecing in themfelues nothing but weaknelfe, and`frailefl infirmity ? Know all fuch to their comfort, God it faithfull ; and his promífe is, to Guild further, to preferue blamelef, to glue the inheritance to all them that arefanUifled.Hath God begun this good worke ? He k will perfect it to the day of Chrifis. Here alfo hath place that laying of M o sE s,Perfetta funs opera Mi. This only have we eye vnto, that our cuìdcncc be found for the beginnings ; we are allured of our progreffe, and preferuation. Foreuidence we need not wander beyond the Text, fo fully it affords them. Firfl, The Grace of Sanftification fpreads ouer the whole of man.The mind,erfl blind in thethings of God, not able to conceiue them,quarrelling at the prefcripts of the Law, belooling the fimplicity of the Gofpell, is now inlightned to fee into the myfleries of Gods Kingdome; approoues the equity and goodnelife of the Law ; ad- mires Gods wifedome reueiled in the Gofpell : The will naturally fo froward and auerfe fry/Tr goodneffc, fo thin_ ilingly inclined towickedneffe;isnowas infatiably deli rows of Heauenly Graces ; propen e i 6eyoxd oddity to o- bedience :