Schlater - BS2725 S35 1627

CfAr,5, GpifflctotheThefalovians. VE K.14. 57t bedience: The eyes, that before wandered after vanitie, prie now for occafions to glorifie God : The vntamed tongue, Set on fire of hell, to lie, and raffle, and curie, and blalphetne;is now rcftrained from fo rotten cottimun ca- ticm ; inùresit fclfe to gracious Speech, Inch as rn may j m Eplae.4.:9. mi,zt fler grace to the bearer, t c. The whole Spirit, and foule, and body, is now fo altered and renewed, that a man becomes a maruell ro himfeife : a ° wonderment to ! n c Yct,4.4 the world, with whom he erfi ran to the fame excrl?e o,' riot. l3eloued Chrifiians,thus if itbe with vs, we haue more than ciuility ; we have that fan airy, that Scales vs to the day of Redemption. Lec eu cry man enter new Search of his heart ; ranfacke it to the bottome ; anatomize the whole man, take furuiew ofhis whole fpirir, and foule, and bo- dy: that gin any corner he finde corruption raigning,he may Brine to mortifie it. Vainly ibafl we flatter our feíues in opinion of f anairy," except we be in meafure ° purged ° z Cor 7.1. from all filthineffe of flelb and i2irit. Second euidence pointed at by the Text, is our cal - li e ; our contzmaallcalling out of the power of darkneße: The act is continued as Pawls word imports. Godcalleth continually, chafe whom he fanEifiech; bletrethall holy meaner vino them,fo that they euery day more and more are dehuered from bondage to corruption. Sure it is,fan- aificátionis not perfited in an inftant : as lure, that :by what mcanes it is begun, by the fame it is increafed and continued : fo than the man truly fan1ified,findes a con tinuall bleffing upon his hearing, meditation, Prying, Conference, Contemplation of the Creatures, A ti1itli -1 ons.;orifthere be any other meanes, that God hash fan. deified, to calivs into his marueiloïis "light. Make it thetotfchftone of our feeming fan&ity ; w many of vs Beene oflong Standing in holy profefli_ on, wee are daily hearers of the Word ofGod : frequent, ita life of that Sacrament. It Shall behoove vs to provide that A 14; )' av'.]1nd,A^i-t-. A : ; iro7M