ePfa.g.z.r3,T4. 9 Reu.a. f. t'Ansa, 41. CHA P.5. "In Expnfàtian vox the firfi VaR,Z4s that our proceedings be anlwer able to our manes; that the more we beam, the more a e grow out of ignorance; get more power ouer our coirepncns. l date nor fay,but Gods children truly fanalfied,may haue their paufcs,yea alto their declinations:But lure it is true for thcordinary, They that are planteehn tie heufe of God, are jat and flou- rii v ; and Pbrtrg firth rvorF fruit in thcirA?e. Now God be mercitull to this declining Age, this flowbacke, er rather back - Biding generation. How many gr; cious Sermons have we heard, the fruit whereof we timer yet tafled ?And where is the man amongll many,that can fay,,, his proceedings are anfwerable to his time and tlanding in Grace ? and thinkcs it not well with him , that bee holds what he fitti receiued, in knowledge and cbedi - ence ? How many are of the minde to befoole them - !Clues, for their ancient zeale and flrietneffe in holy pra- ¿tices ? Yea, which a marts heart would bleed to thìnke on, how many carried away with the etreur of the wic- ked, haue fallen from their wonted ftedfatineffe? Enlar- ging their Confcience, to (wallow vp tuch fins in com- mon praflice, the thought whereof they once trembled to admit? Serioufly and betimes thinkeon theft things. 9 Remember whence ye ire fallen, and doe your fir/f worker. lealoufie of our gracious elute, it is iuti enough, that ari- from our pawungs ; snore, that itrues from our de- clinings.. The man truely fan&ified,God calls continual -', ly out of the power ofdarknetfe. Thirdly, To thefe adde, continued careful) vfe of meanes, that God bath fanf}ified to worke growth and continuance in Grace ; Word, Sacraments, Prayer; ex- emplified in the r Conuerts of Ierufalem,Dauid,&c. See alfo Pet.z.r. Prow.8.34. They are dangerous conclufions taken vp by fome, I hope it is through their ignorance. Suppofc : hearing is good atall times ; not fo necetfary, after a man bath felt the power of the Word to cenuert him ; tuch an one, by