Schlater - BS2725 S35 1627

,C1-1 , 5, eta theThcfalo#ians. VE R. 2 5 , by private fludie may fufficiently further his progretrein fandtirie,though publike nreanes be neglected. A proud and curled conclu1on 3 The { high.way in the f Hcb.toa f,:6 prathce ofit to eflpof nfiie had thefe men wifdome,with- ourflattery to examine their owne (rate, howfenlbly might they perceiue,that ifthcy lofe not what they had receiucd, yet they grow not as others, that Waite at the gates of»ifedome ? They hatic cane to be iealous of their foo3ndnelle in fanCtitie, who are thus indifferently aff- fled to publike Minillery. 573 VERS. 25, Brethren, Pray for qtr. He third particle of the conclufìon:wher- in the Apoftle prayes the help and cour fort of the peoples it obfcrue, f rft,Paali modefly,fecondly,thepeoples dulie. Pauli modefly,in that being fo worthy an Apoflle,fo excellently gifted about the ordinary, yet requires the a(íì (lance of the peoplesPrayers. Where we may notice, How men ofgreat eft gifts,may Jet reape corn - fort by the Prayers of meanefl Saints. For which caufe, is Pawls fo often intreaty of that fauour from Gods people. See Eplee.6.19. And ifwe confider, Firíl,how imparti all the Lords reípeft is to all his Saints. Secondly, how he delights, to oblige vs each to other in the bDdy of Chrift.Thirdly, How much lace reioyceth to haue thankes for his bief tangs, returned from many. Fourthly, what coldnelie may ouertake the grcateft, when there is feruour in the iiieanefl; this will tat ly appeare. Firfl, r God ù rich in merde to all that call vpoi him, in' fnceriiie and truth ; 'glues as Toone to the naeanefl, r tPCalt4SIS'