CHAP.5. 4 Expofztion von the ßrfi Vatt.25 meanefè, as to the greateff , u without exprobratien. It is an opinion arguing too much ignorance of Gobs Na- ture and loue ÿ to thinke prayers recciue their value, from the excellencie of our Gifts. The caufe of audience is no gift in vs; but Firfl,theMercie and Promife ofGod, Secondly, The merit and interceflion of Chriff ; which equally belong to all the Lords people. Neither may we thinke the Lord takes pleafure in fluent fpeech, or Rhetoricall ornaments of Prayers. Firmeneffeof belee uing,feruencie of a ffci Lion, much more pleafe God,than all otheradiuments and helpes whatfoeuer:: which may be as great, in men otherwife meanly gifted, as in thofe, whom, in other indowments, the Lord hath preferred before many. Secondly, Befdes, the Lord delights by all tucanes to make vs each beholden to other. What Paul fpeakes ofthebody Naturall, is as' true of the Myflicall. The head cannot fay to the foote , x I haste no neede of thee ; Nor the principal] members in Chrifts Body, that are as Hands or Eyes to the Church, to chafe that are as low as the feete, I haste no need o f you. So hath God difpen- fed his gifts in all kindes, that euery one bath in fome re- fpeets his preeminence aboue another. Which made Paul fay,W e fhould euery man thinke another Y better than h1rrwfelfe,Non minks verd quìtmhumiliter,as Bernard glof- feth ; becaufe ira forne gift or other,at leaflin the mcafure or vfe,anorher may be abetter to vs. One perhaps pray - eth in better'rearmes; another, with more faith to be heard ; a third,with more fence ofwants, and ardencie of delire. lfnone ofthcfe, yet may the Lord of purpofe de- nie that to the fuperiour,whid: he grants to the Prayer of the Meaner;that by all meanes, he may cherifh a lo- uing refpeft in thegreatefl, towards the meanefi of his Saints. Thirdly,Moreouer; it is that the Lord much reioy -. ceth, to haaue the praife of has mercie celebrated by the mo,thei