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CHAP. f. Epifik ti the7heilsttiaKt. Vait.;z 5. menthes of many Saints. Bleflïngs intended to fingulars, he will haue begged by many, that for the bellowing he may reape thankes frommany. That made Pavld &ikons to haue his deliueraace obtained by the Prayers ofmany, That at it is procured by many, fo thankes may he returned ottt prang to God, the Author of the blef ng ; whilefi men infingleblefúngs bellowed on fingular perlons, many yet may fee the louing kindnetle of the Lord,in attending to their Prayers. Fourthly,Finally, The greaten of Gods Servants oft fede remiireneffe of their feruour, as in other Offices re- ligious, fo in this of Prayer. The Lord withdrawing the huely vigour of his Grace ; whether to preuent or chaffers Pride, or to corrcEt Ingratitdde and Licentiouf net %e : for what caufe foeucr, The greatefi may obferue, , their deugtions keepc not alwaies the fame pitch of fer- uour, Cometimos profperitie diftraEteth: fometimes ex- tremitie of anguifh ouer - chargeth affcation; perhaps, as befell Daniel, in particulars of groffe finne wee arc ouer- taken,to the gricuance of Gods Spirit of Grace, and de- precation in the greaten; whereas in the meaner,where is more fearc and humilitie, through confcience of infir- mity, they abide in their ancient vigour. In which cafe, who fees nor how helpful! to the grate., the Prayers of the meaneft may be And itgiues iunoccafionto notice that curfed policy of theChurch of Rome, whereby, as one mimes, they grew lirlt to ingroffe the Reuenewes of ICingdsmes, wherethey once gate footing. It was pretence of dayly Prayers to be made in behalte of their B enefaetors ; And that,as they bare people in hand, by men in extraordina- ry grace and favour with G o n, fuch as their Monkes, i&c. men feduefired from all fccular imployments ; and, as was pretended,mortifiedand cuco dead to theWorld: By which colour o f long Prayer:, as Chtift fpake of Phari- Ces, a they devoured Widdowes hovfes. N n Now