,:_::-:: 576 CHnr.S. iitl Expofitionvpow the ßrt Valk .2S Now fuppofe them men fo eminently gifted, aboue the ordinary rankeofGods people; muft therefore their Prayers finde more acceptance with God e or might not Prayers ofthe psople,be all out as helpfull to them? The greate$ ofGods Saints may respe comfort by Prayers of the meaneft; perhaps as much, as they by, men of moft eminent gifts and calling.. Let vs bee admnonifhed what -suer our gifcsbe, not co defpife the meaneft amongft Gods Saints : There is none fo meane in the Church of G o D, but may in fpirituall things be helpfull vnto vs ; either by their example, or holy monitions, or experienced confòlations; at lcaft,by their Prayers to God for vs. Too ordinary is our bate efteeme and contemptuous cariage towards the meaner ranke of Brethren ; occafr- oued often by Pride and ouer- wecning conceit of our e- minenr gifts ; fomerimes by difparity of their outward eate; though otherwife in fpirituall endowments, they bee no whit our inferiours. Saint lamer obfcrued fuch parrialitie,. as a fault in his time; and by reaf-ons, mee chinkes, weighty, labours to reforme ir; feuding vs to confider, Firfi, How thefe padre e f the world god t, bath chofen, and in.his loue preferred them before many, per- haps Kings and Monarches, in his ,elation li to life. Se- condly, Many of them he bath made rich on faith, reeom- penced.with abundance of fpirituall bleffings, as it were Y.: ro make amends for their outward pouertie. Thirdly, Euen chele he hath madece-beires with the Qreatefi of the Kingdome which he bath promifed. Fourthly, If no other reafon, yet this may fway vs.to leuing refpef( of them ; that by their Prayers they may be helpful!vato ne. `Pray for vr. Inferences of Papiffs hence are thefe: Firft, that if without impeachment of Chrifis mediati- on, wee may craue Prayers of the liuing, why not alto of Saints departed ?. Secondly, if the Prayers of Saints liuing compaiTed with infirmities, bee fo accepted with God,