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Ar.;. Epifle to the 7hefJalonians. \TER. 2 S. God, much more they of Saints glorified. By all meanes, this mull affoord them one argument, for inuocation of Saints departed. 13nfr . But how followes it that if wee may craue the Prayers of the lining, then alto of the dead? For the firfl wee haue Gods Precept, and promife to affure vs ; Saints praCtice to warrant that acceptable vnro God ; can they'fhew vs the like for inuocation of Saints de. ccafed? Secondly, Wee haue meanes to liignifie, and make knowne to them our delires ; not fo toSaints de- parted. They tell vs indeed of a Glaffe of the Trinity, wherein, by I know not what reflexion, they fcc, belike, whatfoeuerGod himfelfe knowes. But, -Fill, no men - tion finde we in Scripture of filch a // ecultens Trinitatir. Secondly,Angcls,that ceontinnálly beheld the face of our a Mat.z8.1o. Father in Hearten, yet d are ignorant of the Day of fudge- d Mat.z4.36. ,meat; And the inifdonee of God in the work!. of I ealernp- tien, and gathering the-Church of the Gentiles, Angels know, not by beholding Gods efhence,butby e obferning e Ephcf. ;.ro.; his di fpenfations in the Church. If perhaps they fay, It is not ß eculuns naturale, but volrentarium ; and fo exhibits no more than God fees. expedient for them to know : yet muff they bee able to proue, that thefe areamongf} thofe expediencies, which thcLord hath reaealcd himfelfe willing to make knowne to his Saints and Angels. Betides, what infinite oddes ? betwixtrequefling the Social( helpe of our Brechrens Prayers; and the pro- ¡bating of bodies andfoulesto Saints departed, out of a fuppofed power they haue, to know our hearts; and a conceit of more mercie in them, than in our G o n the f Father of tender Mercies:; or in his Chrifl our mer- tzCor.r.3. cifull Mediatour and High Prief ; that by gexperience gHeb..4.11. of forroves, learnt commiferation. I fay as that Ancient, Tntirit loquor ad meow fefnan; gndm ad quernnìs San Efe- 1 rum Spiritunrrt. N n 2