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57 0 n Eph.6.r9. jAá.rz 5. k Deut.33.8. s CHAP. S. Stu Expefuiou vpoy the ftrfi VER,. Pray for vs. The peoples dtstie is withall here intimated, i To pray for. their iLfinif ers.So is h P A v L s f egsent exhor. ration; fo was Saints ' praEftee. Gods Spirit wee haue, direEling what are the fpeci- alties to bec prayed for vnto them; thus ye may range them : Firft, Some refpn&our.Otfice. Secondly, Some our Perfons. l As touching our Office, Three things efpecially arc pointed atto be remembred in the peoples prayers. First, Our abilities. Secondly, Right vfe of abilities,. Thirdly, Fruir and fucceife of labours. Firft, To the f u i, I rhinke mutt bee referred that of M o s E s. k Let thine Vrino anti thy Thu rtninsbee with thy holy cne; laid J3lefes, praying for the Tribe of Le- ui. They are vfuaNy rendered light and perfetlion ;.that, referred to our knowledge; this, to our life, as is the common conic ure; q. d. For as much as thou haft fepa- rated Leuitet to minitfer before thee in behalfe of the people, and haft made them their Guides in the way to life, Lord giue them Knowledge and Confcience; that they may be guides to the Blinde, Lights to them that fit in Dark neile ;InttruE}ersof the Ignorant,Types and Pat - ternes to the Flock e,oucrwhich thou haft made them O- uer_feers. How necetrary Prayers for this blctîing upon Mini - ffersis, appeares eafily, if we confider, either the mif- chicfes flowing into Gods Church by the Ignorance, Errour or Prophan'endre of the Minifter; or that Ordi- nance ofGod, itychoofing them to be his Irdlrumenns,_ and as it were hands, whereby to reach vnto you all fa- uingGrace and Knowledge. Fiat, to fill you with complaints of Prophets, be- waylingthe mifcry of the people occafioned by the ig- norance, feducemenr, or lewd liues of Patfors, were endleile; Take view of Congregations, where the mi- fery complained of by the Prophet, may bee.obfcrued, Li;ie