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CHAPS. EEltleto the 7hJdlonirs. Vim. 25. Like priefl, like people; How lamentable is the Igno- rance,Superflition, Prophanenclle of the people ? luck, that there is Pearce to bec found amongst them know- ledge ofGod, fo much as Heathens gathered by light of Nature; and the little that is, fo depraued with Super - flicion, or corrupted by Prophanenetle and Difobedi once; that in them is to bee found, of Christians fearer any thing, betides the Name : nor almofl ofmen, befidc the shape; fo fottifh are they in their vndcflanding, fc neuer a whit letae than brutifh in their hues. No maruell, in want of able `Pafi'ors to feede theca with Knowledge and Ynderkinding. Secondly, Them bath God made t The Lights of the World , by whom to fcatter the bright beanies of his Truth ; and to conuey all fauingGrace into the hearts of his people. That though perhaps fpeculatiue Know ledge and Moralitic may bce obtained by private con- templation ;yet fauing Knowledge, and Fairh,andCon- u rlìon is not ordinarily bellowed on any but by the Minish tic. Pray therefore with 1Wofes,thatGod will put his Vrim and Thummim vpon his holy-ones; If mthe light that:" in you bedarknefje, how great is that darknefTe? A second particular to bee prayed refpe ling our of- fice, is the exercife of gifts of Knowledge and Sinaitie. In than fort, that may bee molt behoucfull for the glow ry of the beftower, and benefit of his people. As`Paut. °That 4 doore of vtterance may bee opened, to f eake the word boldly eu we ought to tp eake. We cannot be ignorant, what falls out in the euent to many ;what may befall vs in the MiniflersGod Pets ouer vs. How many haue wee fenne of worthy gifts in the Church of God? men, asa man would thinke, faf)hio Wed for the worke of the Mìniftery; either through lacke of Confcience, or loue of cafe, or ouer -tak en with lone_ ofthe World, ordifmayed with fenfe or feare of 25.. N n 3 &ions, 2 Mat.544. Man 6. :3. s n Ephef.ó.rg.