Schlater - BS2725 S35 1627

" 5 3o i CHAP. 5.. An E x D o f i t i e n v p e n the f d i VE R . z. 5 , Étions, or dif- heartened with lacke of fucce¡fe, become vtrerly vnprofirable to the Church of G o n; fuffering their worthy gifts to ruft, without any profit ro the peo- plc ofGod. And amongft them that tremble Coto bury their Talent, yet coldnefre, and feare, or imprudence, difaduantagging (Lord, how much ?) thepreuailing of their Miniftcry. Thus think; we are as Tastes Paid of E L r- s, Men of like ,,,ould, . jubieil to like infirmitie and pa f- f rms ; Pray therefore, oh pray God, to excite vs, to vfe; to dire& vs, aright to vie our gifts to his Names Glory, and his Churches Saluation. - The third fpecialty refpefts fuecelTe of our labours ; PtTheI.3.t. Thar the P Word of God marhaue fee pafage,and beglorifi- ed. Need I pre&Teit by reafons;thefeare, mcthinkes,pre_ ualent.Firf},The great difcouragement may come to Mi- nifters, through lacke of fuccelTe and bleffing vpon their indeuours when they [hail be forced ro cry out as ; ¡ l t rilit AY, F_fay 494. q Wee hate laboured in vain` and Bent our ftreng th. With r Ier.zo.9. Jeremy, it preuailed fo farre, that he refolues to r f Bake no more in the Name of the Lord; with Paul, fo that hec f Atì.r3. g t. ((hakes off the dull of his feet for to simony a infl the peo- ple. secondly, To this adde, that hereupöm depends in part the battening of our perfe& and contummate felici- t aPet.3.9 tie; deferred for no other caufe, but that t the number of the Elrtt if not yet aeconrplifbed. Thus many refpeÉts there arc, prelling on the people as Duty, Prayer for their Misti!lters in regard of their Of- fice. And is this a Duty ? How curled a generation then sr -wee fallen into? wherein what fhould bee prayed as a pçincipall blefling of God, is fo repined at, as Wit were fan' e heavy plague, ' or Iudgement God hath Pent vpon the World ; in gifting vs Pa/tori after his owne heart to feede vs with Knowledge ì and Vnderflanding ? Firft, How frequent is that outcry of the people? Neuer was merry World, fince preaching came vp in fuch plenty. To C Iam.y.r7.