iy CHAPS. EpijUe to the Thffalonianns. Wt. 25. To teen fo efteeming this blaring, I dare fay, it is, as they eftceme ît; a Curie, a Plague, a Judgement ; tent to them only gar a teftimony, to make their difobedience moreinexcufable; their damnation, more intolerable in 1 the Day of Judgement. And a slay may come, when they may with and wander to heat a Sermon, to cafe the agonies they are perplexedwithal! ; but fhall finde no l opportunity. Secondly, Another fort there is ofHellifh people - to t whom in our Miniftery nothing is fo great a Corrafiue, as the blef ng and fuccei c G o n in mercy gines it a- r, -mongft his people. That which Saints and u Angels re- F Luk.r f.Io. 1isycein, none but Deuills and damned Hel-hounds are tormented with ; Thefe men count their torture, as the Pharifce ; See x yee not that we preuailenothing, but all the xlolbrz.sf. World rennes after him ? Is this thy griefe, that God is pleated ro glorifie his Word; to make it powerful! to recut his people out of the fnare of the Deuil! ? Of all marker of a graceleífe heart, I know none more certaine, than to grime at the focceffe of the Go ffrell;to enuie at the rnlargee cnt of Gods Church. Thus ofthe things ro be prayed regarding our Office. To our perfons muff bee prayed prorellion at+sd deliut- ranee; Y That we may bee delivered froth vnreafonable and y s Thef.3.a. euill men that hace not faith. Necafi tie of it appeares ro any man, conf Bering either the enmity of the World, or ! the infirmity of our perfons. Pita, As god bath Z put enmity bitweene the two (cedes zGQn.3.r3. neuer to bee reconciled ; lo againft none is the malice of Satan, or his feed with more eagernetle carried, than a_ gainitMinilters; whom, bee knower G On bath made i his chicle inftruments of ruining his Kingdome. Thence ï hauehotteft Perfecutions, violenteli temptations beetle # i direEìed to them 3 and nil! the more profitable the Mi -1 a Miter, the more felt he Satans malice: PA v L s a labours 1 Nn4 581 were `. a Cor. 15.1o. /