C HAP. 5. An Exposition 'up on thefirfi VER, 25. were more than all: fo b were his perfrcntions. The Saints arc all tempted. e eApottles rifted and winnowed with temptation. Secondly, to this adde confideration.of humane in. firmity, from which who may exempt himfelfe? Elias a great Servant of God, yet groves weary of C elfinrfi'ery and life alfo,through his continuait vexations by lezebcl; And vnder/x /ian,how many great Lights ofthe.Church were eclipfcd ? drawne downe from Heauen` with the baites ofproferments, laid for them by that curled Ape.. fiata. In fo much that it is thought, the hottett Perfe- cution prcuailcdnot fo much to worke rcuolt to Págani(h Idolatry ; as that policy of Ixlian, in promiung aduance- rnents to honour. 13 clotted Chritlians, wee alto are men fubial to like infirinitic; through infirmity they fell ;by Gracewc farad :. as it in fluids vs, not to be high-minded,but to fearer fo ad- monifheth you to bcgge with instance at Gods hand, deliiseranee from like temptations , or more flrength of Çrace to refill them, The rather; becaufe y.ec cannot bee ignorant, how perillous for infcuion, are the falles of Ministers eminent in the Church of God. Their falles areas that of the great Dragon, 'I drawing after him to the earth the third part of the Starres efHeaucn, Wherefore bee exhorted arnorigft other Offices of Loue and Thankfulnefrc, not to forget this of Prayer to God for our deliverance and preferuation. Thinkeit not enough that ye yecid vs audience, or reuerence, ar maintenance; except this Office of Lone bee added, to pray for essr /landing am idfl the many affault; ofSaran, and vexations from ablr*rd and faithleffe men. Remember who laid, I e will finite the Shepheard, and thr Sheepe /hall be fcattered. The diftraE3ions of many. Churchesby that occafìon, if we fee not, we are blind á:if wee lament nor, w.ewant bowels ofcompaflion. V ER s.