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CHAB. S. to the Theffaloniaus. VSR. 26. VERS. 26. Greet all the Brethren wuh ¡that kiffe. 583 He fourth branch of the conclufion, Pauls greeting or falutation,which lie defires in hisName to be remembred to theSaints. Vhtrein is,firft the Art; Salute. Secondly, the obier}orper- fons. Firl},the T rcthren. Secondly,aH the Brethren. Thirdly,the rite or Ce- remony, with kifJ'c, whole qualification is captetTed; it muff be Holy. Greet or fa/ute. Not much vnlike is that cuflonte a- mongft vs, to fend commendations to thole we with well vnto; thereby fignifying our louing remembrance, and hearticf} wc11- withir g to thole that are deare vnto vs. From`Panls fa&d &firing by fuck courtefie to haue his loue manifefled co the people of God,we learne; that, In Chriflian loue it fufficeth not that the heart be kindly affe- Elad.except wee glue due teflimany of our well.wtfhing to the Saints of God. What fames fpeakcsof fait h, thinke fpo- ken of loue ; Shew mee thy Faith, thy loue by thy Iyorkes. S A L O M O N requires to/hew our feleses friendly. Chrifli. ans of old timewere carefulI in this kinde; whence in Church Primitive grew their f leue feafis, as well to re- flifie, as to procure loue : and hence the ceremony heere mentioned, to fal±ste with a kite; continued till daies of Infiinecillartyr, in cuftomarie vie before their appro. ching to the Lords Table: thereby to teftifie their hear - tiefl and vnfained well- wifhing, and reconcilement each co other. Tertullian blames the omilîïon of that rite growne vpon the Church in times of the folemne fa- flings and Prayers : then they with-drew that Ofculurr, pacte,when in 7-ert4rllians judgement, it was moil couue- nient and necc1Tary.. e lude rx. 3x(lin Matiyr ApoioE.z. Tertullia4dc crauene. rc Truth,