Schlater - BS2725 S35 1627

$84 I CHAr.5. din Exfoj, *ótvponthefrft VER.26. Truth is, the Nature of this affection, is, as of fire, it can by no meancs be concealed,but breakes out,and will finde vent. There is a kind of loue ;:.' -` °'t-.....calls. g rcrct ,,Yeas ret's a he preferres before it. W hen men pretending, 4 I know not what, fcruency of affection to the Saints of God, hue yet as ( Irangers each to other; And as men a- 1 filmed of that Cognizance of Chriflians, content them- ) to will) wel,& pray good to the Church of God ;fo- 1 ciety & friendly familiarity,fo euery where commended, as auaileableto cherifh Grace,they purpofely decline. Confider,Firic,how neerely it concernesvs to preferuc reputation of Chri(lians, to.giue teflimony of our loue, and hearty well - wifhing to the Saints. Hereby, faith our Sauiour, h All men (hail now that lee are my Difciples, if ye haste loue one to another. Meanes hee candy of inward affection? How can that manifefl vs to the eyes of the world? Except th ere be added vifible teflimonics of our bentuolcnt affection. Secondly, we cannot be ignorant, how much difcou- ragementit brings to Nouices in Grace, to feethernfe?ucs Aft.ä.z. flighted by fuch as profefre the faith. The i Greciansfee- , eng their Widower negleileclgrow to murmuring. Thirdly, If none of there moue, yet let the practice of worfi men in our carnali affections fwayvs.How willing are they the world fhould notice their brother -hood and content in Guilt ? Ir is the flume of Chriflians, to ferret 4 their loue to the children of God. The perlons are the Brethren, the S aims ofGod ; to 1 there he dcures the teflin)onies of his intimous loue fimi- ted;tocheleallextended. The points are two. Firfl,Thorr_ h loue in fomó offices muff bee extended to all, yet are there offices to be limited to the Saints. In loue arc fourethings. Firfl,Beneuolence. Secondly, Beneficence. Thirdly, consplacentia. Fourthly, Familiaritit.From our bencuolence and well - wilhing, may none be excl ud eeme d; h Ioh.z33Y=