CHAP.;. Epiflle to the Theffirlonrans. Vas.. 26. S8) feeme they, for the prefent neuer fo vile. k Prayers mull k r Tim.a.r. bemade for all; euen for enemies of the Church. And for Beneficence, the charge runnes generally ; Doe good to all. t A Specialty in thelemuff be referued to Saints : yet I Gaf.6. ro. may none be (imply excluded from them. As touching that Complacentia, contentment and plea - lance taken in men, and that which Howes from it,Fami- liaritie; they are fo peculiar to Saints, that they cannot without fufpition ofvnfoundnes be extended to Aliens. Daxids proteflation : on Allm, delight is in the Saints on m P fa1.16.;. earth, and to fuck as excel ix vertue. And, I am n acorn. n Pfal.i 19.63. panien of allthat feare thee,and k.eepe thy (,fatales. And, I haute not haunted ° with %aine perfens ;norfate in the,iffem- Pfal.16.4. blie of mockers. The charge is : With finch eat not : P fepa- P z Cor.6.r 7, rate your felues,d.c. And that neerefl loue and teftinsonies thereof should thus bee limited to Saints : cuinceth, Firfl, our neerefl coniunE}ion with them in the Body of Chrifl, by the bond of the Spirit. There are neighbours in Natures by Cohabitation.: in Affeaion : in Grace. Betides that,moil of,thefe proximities may haue place in the Saints of God, how necrely bath the Lord combined vs in the Body of Chri, under one head ? and quickned vs by the fame Spirit? Secondly, though enemies may not be excluded from our loue,yct who makes queflion , but friends muit be preferred in the meafure of louing? To S A v I. an ene- mie, D Av It (hewed ktndne ffe. But his Poole g clue to y 1 Sani.18.1 ;. thefoule of I O N AT II AN.Men in nature are enemies:on. ly Saints arc friends to Saints. Thirdly,their merits of vs are farre greater than any can be of the Aliens. By their Prayers, and fpirituall gifts, and holy example, they may befurtherances to vs in the way to lifee, luflifiablc therefore again(} all cauills of gracelelte and malicious men, is this prudence, in Charity. Generally, wee fee men, that moll hate fociety with the Saints of , God, are firf }that finde fault with their flrangenetie in matter