S86 1 Crrnr.s. A Expsfitioar Veit thefsrf! VER..26. .. matter of familiar conuerfation;Reafon they thinke they haue fufficienr, to hate their holy faith and profeffion, that they fce them fo partiall in their affc. ions. How could I will), they were fueh, as with whom Gods children might with comfort conucrfe I But 6rft, r r Cor.s.rz. if that bee a precept of Gods Spirit, r toot to eat with that brother, that t e fornicarcur, or otherwsfe fcandalsm,. f zThcf. ;.6. Seconly, if.Pauls charge bee, f to withdraw from emery Brother that walkes inordinately : Thirdly, If Ruud and t Icr.r 5.17. Jeremy held it part of their righteoufncfTe, a Not to lit in the affjembly of mockers, with what warrant may Gods children make filch their familiars I Fourthly, and alas, what may a man expeíì co heare, or fee in fuch lociety, %Pet.z.s. other than Lot in Sodome ì Onely what may a vex a Righteousfoule? Fifcly, it is not for nothing, Salomen aduiteth to be fo chary of our company. Lewd examples are infcEtious.Lewd men endeuour x to draw Gods people to their owne exce¡je andriot.Laftly,Gods precept,Saints pra- y 44.1e. Erice, call vs alwaics to Y limit thefpecialty ofour loue,the teftimonies of our intire affalion to the hou/hold of faith. Rcproueablerather is that protractions charitie, as it is pretended to be in toofrequent vie amongft men pro felling the feare ofGod; whole friendlcfre kindnetres run without difference to all as well Aliens , as Brethren : that know no oddes betwixt the Church of God,and the Synagogue of Satan; Chrittians and Antichriftia is; friends and enemies of God and all goodneli'e, haue like friendly welcome to our familiarity; and equally par- take all teflimonies and fignifications of amide. Haue we forgotten t hat God bath called vs out of the worl:. to be Z a prciliar people to himfelfe? Out of the world vndetftand, not or}bly out of the a flate of the world ; and from the b manners of the world ; but from the friendly fociety and familiar acquaintance of men of this world. Secondly, And can wee thinke it is for nothing, wee arc fo often commanded to beware their companies left wee bec