Schlater - BS2725 S35 1627

CHAP-. I. Eptffle to the ! sJep IoIJEatJS. VBR. 2Ó. __-_.o-_.--------- bee corrupted with their manners ? Hee knowes not the j 1 corruption of his heart, nor is acquainted with the mea- lure of its naturali deprauation, that fees not how ea(ily any occafion entifech to liking and pra Iife of euill. Thirdly,What the Lord fpeakes to leremr,fhould be in our meafure performed of vs, a to difcerne the precioau c,. from the vile; as to profccute with honour and loningell re fheCt faith ar feare God, fo to a contemne vile perfons, and d Pfal.t 5.4. to hold them defpicable. All the Brethren. As his fpeciall kindneffe is limited to Brethren, fo to all Brethren it is extended. So then, Chrijian loue imbraceth all G »ds children without partial: - tie :In Coloflians Paul commends it, that as they had faith towards God,fo e loose to gllSaints: firff,fo irpartiall e Col.r.4. is Gods loue to his chofen,whether Grecian or Barbarian, bond or free, f all are one inC'hrijl lefus : Gods fauours for t Colof.3.1t. faluation are equally extended to all, how- euerdifferent amongfkthem(elucs, by nation, !late, fear, calling, all equally chofen to faluation ; alike redeemed by the Bloud of Chrift, fanaified by his Spirit, preferucd and proteEed by his grace and prouidence. Secondly, the ground ofloue is the fame in all, the Image of God, the Load -(lane ofgracious affelfions. Cautions there are. Firft,thecaic may fo fall, that Tome teftimonies of loue may be withdrawn e from Gods chil- dren. Th'Apoftle that commends to vs loue of brotherly ti aZbef. 6. fellow( hip, yet commands to B withdraw from emery Bra- 3. ther that wakes Inordinately, that he may be afhamed and brought to repentance. Secondly, According to diners meafures ofGrace,fo may the meafures of loue and fig - nil&cations thereof bee proportioned ; we readc of loue, andhfngilarloue, and though P aulsi care was for all the firThc.S.r3. Churches, yet was his lone mare k abundant to that at Corinth. k : Cor.z.4. Criminous therefore is partialitie in our affeaions towards the Children of God.It is that which in point of reuerence S$7