588 i CHAP.[. fl>?Expolitiots vim; theftrfi` V8R.26. ;Iob3o:r. k I Cor.rI. 21. s I R9m.14 k. mMat.18.®. n Verle so. . R.om.14,4. P I.¿Or.I3:22. reverence S. Domes fo largely desks againfl, and is as iuflly taxable in the exercife of loue. Fitt}, one fort there are, their loue and teftimonics thereof is limited to men of place, and outward eminence in the Church of God. They mutt bee men of their Dine ranke, that par- take their con-Tank , to whom familiar greetings are vouchf fed , the poorer fort, though neuer fo rich in faith,are fcarce deigned a kinde look or falnration, are thought meet mates for the dogs of our flocho. I lay as Paul; k Dofpifi ye the Church of G)d?andframe than that haue not ?What is this,but-to adds afrllíens to them whom God hath wounded Another-fort there are,and their limit is, to fuck as ex- cellin verrue y If any be eximious in the Church of God, whole gifts haue made him venerable aboue the ordi- naric,co him run our affeelions in fullfireame : If to any the Lord bath more fparcly difpenfed his Grace, thofe wecontemne as Nouices and weaklings. Now harken, my beloued Brethren, bath not God made all of them members of Chrifis Body 2 fanaifaed and fealcd them to the day of Redemption ? 2. And laid Paul, Him I that is weak in faith, we muß a ffame, not contemne. 3. The charge of Chriff was for the leaf? ofthofe little ones that belecue in him. 4. n Angels, thofe glorious creatures, foam not their meannef e, but with afpecialtie of care watch oucr them for their proteE1ion. 5. Wee alto had our begin- nings, and may remember the time when our gifts were clouded with infirmities. 6. God is 0 able to flrengthen the weaker, to make him not thine squall onely, but thy fitperiour in Grace. 7. As in the body natural], P the fecblef members arenecefart', fo the meaneft in Chrifts body are fome -way helpefull to the Church ofGod. Be we exhorted without partiality to entertaincSaints into our loue, conuidering it is bell cuidence of our Gnce- ritie in louing,it is furefl figte of true gracious loue,when it is thus impartiall to all the Brethren, when, wherefo- euer