Schlater - BS2725 S35 1627

4 Cum. .5. GFiflletotheThcfalottians. V. 26, S 89 euerwe fee Grace, thither our affeaioirs are d"rawne. with a kiff e; The ceremonie or Tire to expretIe loue thereof fee what is about -laid our of trfizir, c/`11artyr, and Tertarllian. A ceremonie of ciuilitic it was in Eaf }erne Countries, traduced afterwards to. bee a rite fortething religiot,. In prefcripts of this nature this is that wee nrufi hold; fir, they bind not Limply to the particular, but to the proportional]. Secondly, rather to the thing they fignifi- cd, than to the ceremonie.. Arule of foamvfe,for vnderftanding like iniunc`tions Example. in the Word ofGod. In Widowes to bee chofen to feruice of the Church, this qualification isrequired,fhemrf1be one tbat had9 wa- v r fbed Saints feet ; In cafe our Times had vfe of fuch, may we thinke the rule binds after the letter ?_ Not for the rite, but for the thin g fignified, viz. 1inde entertainment ofthe Saint: of God. Oar Saviour by his precept and example commends to his Difciples r wa(hhing each other" feet. Are r Iolr r ;.t 4,11 we bound to the cercmonic i Not at all, but to the mat - ter of the ceremonie,humilitie,.and lowlieft feruiceabie- nefTe towards one another. So that they are too blame, that would tye vs to all ceremonious traditions of Apoftics according to the let - ter, allowing no Church liberty to fwatue there -from : belike then it is a duty ful to gird with a Towellbefore the Sacrament, and to wafh feet of communicants, for fo did `. Chrtg'pral7ifeandcommand. And in our meetings ciuill ;,4 S and religious, wee muff greet with a kite of loue, for fo praftifed and eprefcribed Apofiles., r r ray., 4 Of their iniunfttons, HI, fornewereofmorall& fub- ftantiallduties,fuch bind all places & Times. Secondly, Some of circintanciall rites ,asthatofwafhingSaintsfeer, greeting with a kitle, &c. Thefe forted by the Apoftics to particular times and places, are variable according to vie and difcretion of the ChnrcIL They binde noç to