Schlater - BS2725 S35 1627

S9° Co1 44. X I 15m11.9,10 Eze.3 3.3431. = r Cor.I f.;;. '; s. b Ephef.5.3. CHAY.5. AiExpofitiosvpottthefirf VER.. 27. to the rite, but to the proportion all, or matter fignified thereby. A holy kg}. The qualification of this ceremony ofgree- ting : So mull emery ¡filon, ewe" of common life, haue a rellr/h ofholinefe. Not Greetings, nor chofe of-common courrefle excepred.Hence Paul is fo careful!, to order our ordinary communication, apparel!; and fuch like outward things : "OeerIpeech nor" be gracious ; our apparel fuch as x becomes thofe that proleffc the Gofpell. Our people haue pentvp holitte(Teall in Temples.Ho. line lie becomes Gods homfe.Therc fit they with greateft de- rnurenetTe, as thofe Y Hypocrites before E z s c n r E L: Theirordinary fpeeches fpcnr, I would I might fay only in impettinencies and vanitie, and not in fiithinei e, ray - Iing,&c. are fitfor nothing but to : corrupt good waxers: except alto to manifelt the a ill treafure of the heart,out of wbo/e abundance the mouthipeaketb. b Is this feeately for Saints? Common courtefies Paul delires to be feafoned with holinefre 3 Their kifre of lone and peace muft truly lignifie what it makes (hew of; that neither trechery, nor cruelde, nor luft, may infinu ;e it falfe into fuch a Sym, bolum ofholy loue. Vans. 27. Ichange you by the Lord, that this Ep,lleberead to all the holy brethren. 'Helift part of the conclufion contai- ning charge forpublifhing thisEpiflle ro the notice of that whole Church. Wherein confrderable are, firft the manner ofpropounding, with adiu- rátion. Secondly, the matter orfub- ftance of the charge, chat this Epifle ie read. Thirdly, and that to allthe bel, Brethren. The