CHAY.f. EpOleto the ?hOlonianr. VaA, z7. gaI The forme or manner is with adjuration ; ¡adjure you. The word incommon vfe fignifies oneof the two. Firfl, either to impofe an oath ; as when Abraham adjured his feruant to obey his dircûionsin chuffing a wife for his forme Ifaac. Secondly,or clfc co charge with denunciati- on of Gods vengeance,exceptwhat is fo impofed be per- formed. As when the high Priefl adiares our Saviour to tell whether he were that Chrift. In which kind, adjura- tions we finde none in vfe of Gods feruants, fauc when fome duty ofweight is charged vpon the adjured. Thus it is here vied : and occafions vs to notice; of hew great necktie and ,fe to Godspeople ie,the reading of Scriptures in the Congregation. Such, that Paul adjures to perfor- mance ofir. If any would limit it to this Epif}lc onely, becaufe fo run the termes : Le; him know, Fir!}, that all Scriptures haue the fame Author; are of fame vfe to the Church of God. Secondly, that like charge is given elfe- where c for other Scriptures. Thirdly, It is probably a Col.4.i6. thought, this was the firff Scripture of the New Tefla- ment, excepting only that briefe Epsflle feet from d the a Aft.rq.3z. Conned at Ierajalem. it may be for this the charge is fpe- cialIy giuen, that the Churches might know, they were to receiue with like faith and reuerencc the Scriptures of the New,as of the old Teflament. The conclufion we fhall eafily make good for the gene. rail ;Confidaring,Firft,thcvfe of the Church in all ages. e Nehem.s,s. eTo Iewi(h Church Nehemiahgiues teyiimony for his rime;. we make no queftion, but after -timescontinued it. lofe- phua agairnfl Appion. In vnaquag3 Septimanh ad legem au- diendana conueniant vniuer/i. Euery weeke they all come together to heare the Law. The fruit ofjr, he addes ; that they could as eafily render it as their names. Netrorasm quilibet de legible interrogattu, facilins quàm nomen foam recite.. Compare Alt.15.21.To after times,Storiesgiue witneffe :Socrates of the Church at Alexandria. Once or twice a weeke the Scriptures are read in the affembly, 0 o and ./ s