Schlater - BS2725 S35 1627

t CHAP. I. An Expofitian vpan the firft VER. -agi and interpreted by the teachers. And (b necetlary they ' thought it, that length they ordained an order of Rea- ders, who had to that function their folemnc Confecra- ron ; So was lulian, after the 1poflata, ordained a Rea- der in the Church at Nicdmedia. Secondly, no marueli, the firft vfe,and fecondly pow- er ofic being fo great, and behouefull to the Church of God. Fill', For difcerning things that differ, and trial! of Mc`lrinee,taught by the Teachers ; to which end, Efay Oils tothe Law and Tefiimony. Beraans prac`fifed it not without commendation.Secondly,the peoples better ac- qqa prance with the letter of Scripturc,&tlanguageof the holy Ghofi. W hich how much auaile brings is to vnder- !landing of what is delivered by their Teachers? Where- as by their careleife attendance to publik a and private reading,che mofl; vfuall termes ofScripture, wherein the rnyftery of faluation is delivered, are vnro them, as the termes of Tome firange and forraignc language. Secondly, the power ofit is exceeding great. FirtI,to worhekZnaraledge ; a comfortable meafure whereofmay be by reading attained ; fo hath God in things nece Pry, de- misted himfelfe to the g capacity of the meaneft.Sccond- ly, To confirme faith, when thereby we fee the Dot-trine of the Teacher h approved by Scripture. Thirdly, yea, often hath it proved a f}rong preparatauc to fauingr faith and connerfion; as to Aniline was the obeying of that voice ircrn Heauen,Tolle;lege. To lupins the reading of S. lohns Gofpell.Fourthly,A maruellous power it bath to excite and quicken Grace quelled in the heart; as in lof- ah,the reading of the Law,' what remorse and compuntlion wrought it ? And of his Epiale 'Paul tef}ifies, it thus wrought in Corinthians;k Godly forran' to repentance. of fuch neccflìcy, and auaile to Gods people, is the naked reading of Scriptures in the Congregation. And it inftruets vs to beware, how in our lodgement or praffice we vilifie this fo holy and wholfome an Or- o , dinance,