Schlater - BS2725 S35 1627

CHAP .5, Epiftleto the Theälotians. VER.. 27. 411-1-11114. 7IP,(1` r, 593 dinance of God. It is as much Gods Ordinance that Scripture be read, as that they be interpreted and applied to the people. The policy of Satan would here bee noticed. Gladly bee would make vs all prophane Anabaptifbs, to con - temne all Gods Ordinances. Thereof when hee fees vs fcrupulous, fome one he permits to admire, that the retl may be defpicable in our eyes. Prayer, amongft Roma- Dills wee fee halle idolized ; Preaching too prophanely {coifed at. In our people, reuerence of the Sacrament no Iefre than fuperilitious; of other Ordinances, propha- net} contempt. Reading, there are that moll magnifie. There are of another firaine, defirousto turne our whole Lytutgie,after the French Scomme, into a metre preach. Know we not, thefe all are holy Ordinances of God, necelfary, vfefull, powerful] to their ends affigned ? of them all may we not fay, as Paul of fuperiour Powers, They are ordained of God ? and they that contemne,(hall mRoma ;.t,a. receiue their condemnation ? who except preiudice or vn. preparednefffe haue fòre- flallcd his profit, bath not felt Cods Spirit by reading, to enlighten, adrmonifh, excite, mortifie, &c ? or can thinke God bath in vaine with fuch adjuration, inioyned it to thofe that are Guides of the Congregations ? I fay as our Sauiour of the Com- mandements ; " Whop contemns the lea,(it ofthefe Ord,- n Mat. ;. 19. nances,and teacheth men fo, bee /hall bee called leaf in he Kingdome of Heatless. The perfons to whom by reading it muff be imparted ; arealltheBrethren: that whole Church of God. The in ference, mee thinker, iscurrent :,That to knowledge of Laickes God wil haue Scriptures commt nicat ed;Fir (LS o,for he L0111,, is the charge, to reade and 0 reheat fe the words e Deut.6. F, thereof in the audience of fewifi children; To P the King 7,8,9. mull: bee tranfcribed a Copie of the Law, that bydayly eDeot.17. reading and meditation therein, bee may learne to feare 18 1,9 the Lord. Secondly, To Saints of the New Teftament, 0 o a com- ~7".._._^-,.T.*:- . .. ,