594 CHAP y. An Expoftion vpont'befirfi VER.27. commendation is in that behalfe given; Peter, to them q aPet.r.t9. that attended to Propheticall Scriptures, q Tee doe well. r x Tim.3.I y. P A.v L records to Timothics praife, That of r a child,' lit - tle,he had knowne the Scripture. C H R Y S O S T O M E ad Colo]; 3. 16. flaadire Seculares, Corraparate vobis Biblia, Anims Pharmaca. e agaflmne to Volnfian vrgeth fludy of Scriptures vp- on learned and vnlearned : atruring them, that therein the Lord (peak es,esid cor indollorum pariter ac dollorum. Sparing infinite tcf}imonies,confider Reafons. r Firfl, Duties required of the people, fuch as without f I Ióh.q. I. Scripture- knowledge,they cannot performe.Firfl, f Tri- e I Pet.3.t S. 411 o f Spirits. Secondly, t Making Apologie for the Faith. URom.I2.2. Thirdly, g'ros,ing in all things, what that good and ac- ceptable will of the Lord is. 2 Secondly, Ends of writing belong to the people: fuch x Rom.1 f.4. are, Fitt}, x Inftruciion. Secondly, Confolation. 3 Thirdly,Necefli ty of their knowledgeconcernes them. Firfl, They are the cuj76vupov of that Covenant which God made with man. Secondly, People alto are called Eph.6c13,17. ro the Y ffirituallwarfare, and haue needs of this e.9r- moXr. The more accurfed is that prallice of Rome, feizing Scriptures to the Clergic, as their priuilcdgeand prero- gatiue, intcrdiaing the people acquaintance with them. Tfie queflions betweene vs are two ; Firfl, Whether Scriptures mull: bee permitted to Laickes in a knowne Tonghe. Secondly, Whether their publike reading mull bein a Languagevnderflood of the people. To the firf'c they anfwer, Their Prohibition is not abfolute to all Laickes; To men that can foberly vfe them, faculty being obtained of the Ordinarie, Scrip. tures are permitted in a known,' Tongue. Whether they fhould promifcuoufly lye open to all the Laity is the qucftion? But at no hand may they be publiquely read in a vulgar Tongue. Coos-