CHAP. 5. Epi/fleto the Theffalonians. VE&.27. 595 - - Contra. Firft, Mee thinkes, the flare of the Church Chriftian fhould not feeme any whit inferiour to that of Iewcs ; if co Iewes their reading was promifcuoully, not permitted oncly,but inioyned,why notrather to people ' Chriflian? Secondly, To people is that Iniunllionvni- uerfall, That the'' Word of God dwell in them plenteoupy. z Col 3.1 6,17, Will they fay, perhaps: in a lirange Tongue? What meanes thePrecept fubioyned, of teaching and admoni- (hing owe another ? Thirdly, What elfe was Gods aime in that gift of Tongues, what time he meant to let open to Gentiles the doore of Faith,, but that a emery one might s Aft.a.8,r r. heart in that longue wherein he mat borne, the wonder - fall workes of God ? Fourthly, And to what purpofewas that paines of.Ancients, tranfiating Scriptures into vul- garLanguages? as Haerome :, into the Dalmatian ; Chry- (o/lometintothe Armenian Tongue. Vu/phi/ad into the Language of Gotha. In Bede: time, were extant Tranf- lations into fix feuerall Languages for the vfe of the peo- ple of this Iland. Vainely, except to people alto their vie was freely intended. And that efpecially their publike reading in the Af- femblies fhould bee in a Language vnderflood of the people, euinceth 3 Firft, the charge giuen for reading this Epsfile in the Tongue whereon it ryas written, the Natiue Language of Thetralonians. Secondly, The cuftomc of the Iewifh Church.Thirdly,The ground ofthe Apoflle, That all be done b to edifying. Fourthly, The end of rea - b i Cor.i. 26. ding,that the people may learnt to feare the Lord. Fifthly, PraCtice of ancient Church Chriftian, recorded by their own eLyra and Caietane. Let all Gods people bee exhorted, Gch God bath plea_ fed focuery way gracioufly to tender vs the knowledge of himfelfe, to make vfe of his bounty ; Count we it our fhame, to be ftrangers in the DoCrines, and Language of the Scripture. Reafons perfwading their daily ftudie. Firft, Here onely is reuealed the fauing knowledge of C o I God v;,tr.aS3Ya%íe.a.,a.iRrrtr;.;,7MA '.. fro ..