5 96 a Tirr.3.r;. d r Con! . s t. c Rotil.i.io. Ron3.r.t7. CHAr.5. AnExpofitìosvpontheftrft YEa..27. God in lefus Chrifl; there is no other Learning that ecan make vs wife to faluation. God bath indeed by the Crea- tures made knowne himlelfe to the World;fo that, who - fo runnes may rcadc in them, the 44 iefly, Power, wife_ dome, Goodneffe, of the Creatour. Howbeit by. all d the wifdome that Ames in the Creatures, the wifrfl Heathens couldnot know God aarigbt 3 but perilbed euerlaflingly in ignorance of the Mediatour. All they could thence !carne, was but what might e make them inexcufable. But here haue wee rcuealed and made knodvne vnto vs, the way to life, f The righteoufneffe of God om Faith to Faith. Secondly, No other knowledge was euerable, Firft, to concert the Soule, or Secondly, comfort the confcience, diflreffed. L A C T A N T I V S comparing the Word of God with Philofophie, and the belt Morali Precepts ten- ding to reforme the life; fhewes excellently by conf amongft the Hea- then, how vnable their' Morali Wifdome was ro kill and fubdue corruption : ìnfomuch that after all tfieir flriCeft Difipline, and hardelt labour, they are forced to confelíe, plats valere Natural"). And that after ftrength wafted in f}udy ofïahilofophie, neither thcmfclues, nor others are made better, if Naturall Propentions oppofe their Precepts. All their wifdome, where it moll pre - nailes, Non exfcindit vitia, fed abfcondit. But the few Precepts of the Word of God, fo alter and change the whole man, and that in a moment, that wee can farce know him to be the fame. Da mibi virum qui fit iracun- I dau,maledicus,effrenatou, crc. paucif nmec Dei verbis tam placidum qudus ouemreddam, &c. So flill is it the priui- ledge of the word of God to conucrt the Soule. Second- ly, To fettle the Mmdc and Confciencc in a ílateoftran- quillity and peace, the traueli of wifefl Heathen was grcar;yerall in vaine : whiles they were ignorant ofhim, whom Scripture alone reucales to ; bee the Mediateur be-