Schlater - BS2725 S35 1627

CtaAr. S. Epiftleto the Theffalonians. Va &.27. betwixt God and man, the mia Chri fit lefus, the h 'Prince of our peace, Author of reconciling (inners to the Maietfie of God. To draw towards conclulion ; marueflous hash Eocene Gods mercy to vs in this behalfe, aboue that hce vouch - fafed to former ages. A mongfi 'ewes vnder Antiochu, it was made Capitali to haue the Booke of the Law. No lefre dangerousto our Fore-fathers in daies of Popery, to be familiar with the Scripture : more mercifully'hath the Lord dealt with vs, granting meanes of all forts, to know, & be acquainted with his Word;liber-ty to reade, heare,know,profelíe it. How Tweet is the comfort of it, to them that rake benefit of this fauour of God? How jut} and intolerable !hall bee the condemnation of this gerecation, at the day of f udgement; for willing or ra- ther wilfull ignorance of the Scripture? Beloued Brethren, confider ferioully this fauour of God ; dcfpife not fo great faluation ; know it for cer- taine, i They peri/h euer/agingly that know not God, and dzfobey the GI[pea , and they know him not aright, that know him not by his Word. The Gentiles that knew fo much of Gods nature and properties, are faid for all that net to know lire; becaufe they knew him not aright. Truly laid Druid, k In Jewry was God known' ; there only aright,beeaufeto Iewesonely were t committed the Ora- cles ofGod.To vs it is giuen in the mcanes,to know him : Theprice is put into our hands to get knowledge ; But, Poles as we are, wee haue no heart. Scripture - knowledge wee thinke is for Church-men, & chafe that haue little elfe to doe.Asin Chryfoffomes time the excufe'as rife; Non Tarn Monachru : I am no Church -man. Yea, but thou art a Chriftian; elfe in IN' orfe cafe ehan a Pagan, or Eth- nicke. And as that Father obferued, if for any men, Scripture-fludie and knowledge be necefiary; in Tome refpef,rnoft for feculars : whole imployments are moll in things of this 'life. humus frepervuintes quotidré aeci- piunt: