.:.---,,aW...;.7h"r'',+-77, ,*7"T,^ TO THE RIGHT WORSHIP FVLL IOH N P OVVL ET Efquire, my very Honourable good P atron, and to the truely Religious, and right vertrwus ELIZABETH his 'ife, my much honoured Patronefre, Grace and Peace bee multiplied. Orthies, loe to you at la ; Saint Pouls Antichrift in finch linea- ments as that vlpelles his pencell, or coale rather was pleafed to (hadow him. in. "Luflred I fay not, vnuailed oncly, and made more barefaced, to yceld his vgly vifage to view of Gods people. How vexeth it to fee *del (till halting twixt the two opinions? After de- molifhing the Idoli fo long fore done, a frefh plea. ding for. Baal? Were it not hee feemes in hiscon - fumption, neere his abolition, I (hould füfpett fame boding of his new ere&ion. ciluertat omen 'Deers. Flow much better hod it been neuer to hams knotvne, ! 3 then