The piffle Dedicatory. then knowing to turne backe from the holy Commande. ment ? The latter end of fuch men, will prooue werfe then their beginning. I prom ife, and perfwade my felfe better things of you, and fuch as accompany faluation :fo hereditary feemes right Religion to your Honourable family; hauing continued therein, defcents more then Paul mentions of rimotbie. If to your eflablifhment in the prefent trueth,and furtherance of Faith, in times fo wauering,this poore paines may be auaile- ome, I haue my defire : and {hall thinke ( thorough your fauourable acceptation) force finall part of my great debt of thankefiuil obferuance, wherein 1 ac- knowledge my felfe to {land obliged to you, and yours, tolerablyat leaft, difcharged. Faxit Dew. Withall you haue,fiach as this Scripture afforded, doEtrinall conclufions many for information of judgement : exhortations frequent, to excite lan- guifhing affe&tions; comforts not a few,for fiipport of the trembling confcience, rules to examine our Spirituali elate; chara&ters of gracious vertues; direEtions for morali praEtife. In the dole, perfwa- fionsto the loue and fludy of peace, more largely pref ed, perhaps ofpurpofe, to work e towards vnion the cliurtions of Ruben occafioned by great thoughts of heart. Sirs, %id Moles, yee are brethren; why flriue yee ? de lana Caprina, for the breath of the people, fo long, fo eagerly, till Religion be negle&ed; Prayers interrupted; Charitie violated; care of Countrcy forfaken; Iniquitie growne impudent, fo as to dare giue affront to Authoritie. Oh that our Sauiours aduife might preuaiPe, to keepe our fait within our Jellies, fo fhould we Toone haue peace one with another. For