Schlater - BS2725 S35 1627

1 he Eniftle Dedicatory. For your part,worthy Sir, I haue neuer obferu cd your temper auerfc , much leffe abhorrent from tearmes of peace. Defireonely you fhouldaduance aboue the ordinary of peaceable or patient, to be- come Pact flctu; a peace -maker in Ifrael. Theworke were more then generous; truely Honourable; no ' leffe thenPrincely. The flile fuch haue, in our Saui- ours language, is no le(fe then Sonnes of God ; Hoe a. pinto!. And the God of peace (hail be with vs. Now for the great kindnefit wherewith you haue refrefbed my bowels, I muff pray as beggers; the Lord reward it you. As Paul for onefiphorui, the Lord grant you , andyours, to finde mercy with the Lord at that day. I refi Pitmiíler,Nouember 4. 16z6. Tour thsnkfulland me ohferuant Beneficiary WILLIAM SCLATgR.