Schlater - BS2725 S35 1627

EN.00000 MAMIMU.NnzMi The occafion of the Epiílle, together with the fcope. Oife of continued prerures, and perfecutions of this Church for the GO el, whereto bee de- fires to a ff rd folate. 2 Reports alp') of falfe teachers crept in ámongfl them, labouring, on faireft pretenfes, to infnùate errour about the time of Chrifts fecund comming piäuf b/y perhaps by mifinference from that (Nos qui viuimus ofthe vlpoJtle. x Thef.4.i7.) c-slgàinft which he would make them cautionate. 3 Information of exorbitancyin fame particulars of the Church, notmithflanding hrs' formonition aping idleneffe,' and (leeping of Church difcipline in that be- halfe. This he excites; that he correas. Parts ofthe Epiftle, befdes thofe vfroall,tnfcription, falutation,valedielion; you may shim number : I Pro - xme infinuatiue. ca p. i. ad,ver. 5. 2 Confolation, in- de ad finem. 3 Redargution of errour. I In fudge-. ment. cap.2. 2 In manners.cap.3. Other paffages there are occalionalty, yet aptly and f a f ruby interlaced.