nI.,' I AN EXPOSITION vpon the fecond Epiftle to the THESSALONIANS; 2 T H E s. Cap.'. Ver.I,2,3,4. Tau! and Siluanus and limotheus, veto the church of the T he f jalonians,which ü in God our father ,and in the Lord lefus Chrilt. Grace vnto you and peace from God our father, and the Lord fetus (hrs.. The Inlcription and falutation is without difference,the fame with that in the former Epiale : See Annotata ibid. We are bound to thane god al way for you,Brethren,as it is meet, becaufethat your faith growth exceedingly ,and the charitte of emery one of you all towards each other a- boundeth: So that wee glorie of you in the Churches of god, for your patience and faith in all your perfecutionsand tribulati- ons that yee endure. N the remainder of this firft Chapter are three things. t.Proeme, ver.4,5. 2.Con- folation fromver.g,toy 1. 3 .Incidentally a Petition. vert,''.' 2. The Proeme is, as the former, Infinua- due : tending to nourifh them in perfwa- liion of the Apoftles affeStionate loue towards them ; B fled yrtm`N« :,..,: