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2 C H A P.1. An Bxpofition vpantbefecond V s x.3, 4 I lohn 4.19. blfai ° lohn 3.16. d 6ph.I.G. e 4faL8.4. f fled by that indubitate office and aft ofloue,Thanksgiuing to God for their gracious effare. in-which Gratulation is, firfl the Aft : fecondly, the Ground :-thirdly, the Matter of it. `13e Alru vide e.ltnota,. ta ad- t Thef i.2, 3. The ground is debitum,a debt, wherein theApofile and his af ociates acknowledge themfelues obliged, to per forme this office of thankfgiuing, : Accruing I. from their teere éoniunetion, fo,neere as ch_iflian-brotherhood could make them. 2. from Congruence of the Act; we ought : t Brethren, .a as it is meet. In thank fulne f f e then there is debitum,. 6 j' pof les ae- k, o7vledgement: herein will no Saint plead lz4ertatem a de- bito, nor once dreame he fupererogates,: holds it not vni- tierfally for ail offices of loue to God or man? heare cwr Sauiour : when ye haue done all that is commanded,f ay, we haue dime but what weKraraght, Luk, t 7.1o. It founds tò me, All that ye cart,to the vtmofi extent of naturall cr gracious abilities : Gth all that we can in loue to God, wee are corn - manded,-Mar. i 2.3o. Saint Iohn fpeaking of -the higheíi aft of loue to man, vrgeth it as matter of debt ;'we ought to lay down our limes for the Brethren, t Iohn 3. t 6. Thus I thinke. Inten / frima chantas cadit fob preceptó : the highefi pitch wee can bend Charitie vnto; fats veder precept : whether we loue him, vt r. bonus fit nobis, or 2. quia benefecit, or 3. quiabonus it , which is the vt- mofl pretended aime of Tingle life, atd wilfull pouertie, whole vacation to the contemplation of the glorious Dei- tie.: or, 4. which Saint Bernard thiukes none in fiate of this life can attaine , nor Martyrs themfelues compleatly, till the day of Refurree} ion.; to loue neither relues; nor ought that'sours, but propter Deum. : or if any thing in loue may be thought a tranfcendent to this : the modus fine modos as Bernard cals it, nongratuitus impenditu , fedre- penditur debitus, Congruence of equitie, heare.:froyn the fane Authour, '.Prior ipfe,dilexit nos b tantes & ç tantum, & àgratis e tantillos & t tales. Adelanchthons