7T'r,?;,<,Tira.íw,^-1:.-. C H A P.T. Epi(lle to the The/falonians. V E R.3. c telanchthons wonder fleightcd by the Cardinali, í}i11 holds me : that euer thought of fupererogating thould' enter the heart of man ; that euer creature fho'uld thinke, he veeids his whole debt to his Creatour :1Vedum the vat.- fat., bought with filch a price, plus qu;ina debitutr,to filch a Redeemer. Tell nie you blelfed Spirits of iufl men now made perfeCt in heauen, Euer thought you your bell deuotions, your longed and molt ferious vacations to the contemplation of the Godhead, or any thing thereto auailing,more then your commanded dutiie ? Mee thinkes I fee them all cart- ing their crownes dovvne to the ground before the throne, and flying : Worthie art thou O Lord to receiue glorie and honour,and power; for thou haft created all things: and for thy pleafurethey are, and were created, Apoc.4. t !. confer Apoc.5.t2. There is ,p5Jis ya91 and ,Papqcx i Jtom : though wee yeeld you your virginitie, or pouertie, or blinde obedi- ence, gifts ofperfe Lion, can you forget they g defecad from Zone ? vfe them to their bell improuement,can you fay of them, other then Dauid of his fubliance contributed to the Temple ? h of thine ozone we haue giuen thee : as Ifai, i thou Lord haft wrought all our_zro.5t workgs in vs : as a/Ìu- Iline, god crowning ourgood workes, crownes not our merits, but hâsaznnegifts. And can you thinke it a Counfell, no Precept, to vie our Talent ,though of fue,to the heft 6ehoofe ofourmaRer? Mat z5t5,27,3o There is,no doubt, a latitude of commanded dutie. But within that compaflè fals,whatfoeuer our beflabilities ex- tend veto, in loue to our cod. Suppofe we therefore no precept particular, or peremp- torte for chaflitie in fingle life ; yet to thofe that haue the gift, is not the precept giuen to choofe it, vnder reafon of that Gate, that is moll furtherfome to Gods fer nice ? And grant wilfull Pouertie no ínioyned dutie ? quis diserit? yet preparation of the minds to abdication of goods, when God cals for it, fals vnder precept. Can th'Aóuing be for- borne, in cafe God cals for it ? Is it not finfull, when it B 2 wants 3 V. h I C(iro.29,4. Ifai aó.iz.