°IaG.j.E. P R0111.83 5. e Epb.r.ms. C H A P.I.. An Expoftion vpon the fecond V E a.3. wants his Cal! ? Pride I fee fwelling in moll Popifh do- arines : in none more, then this : of workes fupererogato- rie exceeding duetie : chalenging Iibertie from debt, and obligation to performance. a Yet how cloth this worme of Pride infiuuate into our weake feruices, we performe to God ? In fuch fort, that for them we are Ready,as proud Ierwes,to expoflulate with God, and aske, k why he regards not ? quarrell,if he with- hold his bleffings: murmure,and little Iefie then churle at him, if in the leafi fort he afiel vs;yet,faid th'Apoflle,who hathgiuen him firfl ? and I what haft thou that thou haft not recesued ? i Cor.4.7. I like the mapgncla of faith ; and allow to the beleeuer not confcious of infinceritie, m Saint `Peters eagcí noss; I fay as ;fluftine, we may exigere Tominum : but its onely, quatenus promittendo fe fecit debitorem : what thoughts of other obliging the Lord to vs, by any dignitie of our workes, arife, I cannot but impute to damnable pride. Oh confider, I. the A manyfumes through ouerfght, or otherwife palling from vs : 2.. the blemifhes, no leffe then 0menftruous, cleauing to our bell performances. 3. The many Neuerintsvniuerfi, thou flandui bound in to thy God; thou wilt thinke it duetie, which, Saint Bernard faith, aped psuce.: inuenitur, fagna facere, t inutilem to reputare. Whence accrues the debt ? from precept in this parti- cular, Ron-mills themfelues confefiing, but withall from Congruence, Inch, as net Paul oncly, but euery Chriflian, moli of all, Minitiers, mull acknowledge moll equal!. We are Brethren, partakers all of the fame P J iris of adoption and Regeneration; linked all into q one body , whereof Chrizs thehead : from whom is deriued to vs our Son- flip, our Coheirefhip both with Chri(l, and one with another. Further congruence would you fee? i. View the glory accruing to God, in refcúing foules out of power of Sa- tan; which r t. e.Ingels, though not fo nearely linked to vs,ioy to behold. 2. And,which mote nearely concernes a Minifler