! C H A P.T. Epi¡fle to the Theffalonians. V E x.3. Msnifler; thereby, t t Godfealesto himhtsfending : 2 for this augments his glorie, Dan.t z.3. Monfters to me they feeme, I fay not, of men, but of Minilers, repining at the riches of Grace powred downe vpon their people, by their owne, or other mens Minifle- rie. Murmuring at nothing more, then the e plentie of knowledge and abilitie of dtfcerning or fulne/fe of fruits of righteou¡ne ffe appearing in the people. u i Is thine eye ruile, becaufe the Lards is good? fo good to thy people. z Know- eft thou not, * thou watcheft for their foules, and fo ar one that muffgiueaccounts ? Neuer readefl thou the bitter wailings, like to that of Rachel for her children, of x Pro- phets and Paflors ouer their obffinate people? not onely from compaffion of their miferie, but forgriefe of their owne fruitleffe Miaiflerie ? `Denulloitafentio Deum mihipropitium,as for this,that my miniflerie hath no where bin barren ; I neuer trauai- led, but where I could fay, through Gods great mercie ; Y Lome and the children which thou haft giuen me. For my part I fay as c..2lofes ; Z would God allthe Lords people were Prop,sets. As Paul,that a all who heare me, were ees I, ranch more then I, in Chriflianitie. It fhould be my ioy, and crowne of reioycing. Tecaufe thatyourfaith groweth exceedingly, 6-c. The matter of Pauls thankfgiuing ; the encreafe of their faith and loue,amplified,by the meafures; faith ouer-increafeth. Loueouer!íoweth. z. the ifue,Tauls boa ling thereof in the Churches, ver.4. In Pauls opinion not beginnings of grace onely, but eue- ry encreafe thereof, is of God; elfe,why thankes he God for it ? Thebeginner profìts;Thil.r.6. hence `Peter fhles him, bQodofall Grace,becaufe giuer of all kinds, of all degrees o Grace : wherefore its added, he cals and perfeRs. The whole body encreafeth with the encreafe ofJod,that is,which God miniflreth,Col,z.t9.See Lnk. t7.5. t Whether onely by generali influence or concurrence as an vniuerfall caufe, or by new fpirituall aide, Schoole- men make queflion. B; 2 Whe- 5 f I Cor .9, z. Vfe. ,Phil.3,9,IO,1I. u Mat. zo.If. * Heb 13.17. x See Icr.tS.& zo. Ifai 49. Micab.y.I. Y Ifai 8.18. z Num.1I.z9. ' Afi.z6.s9. b rP4t.f.IO. ;a