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s e d Apoc.z.4. Hcb 5,r z C H A P.I. An Expofition upon she fecond V E R.3. z Whether by radicating or making more firme Gra- ces receiued,or not rather by adding to the graduali quad_ titie, is a fecond inquirie. Whether without vs, or with vs,athird. To the firff, Speciali aide and excitement is requifite to euery adt of Grace recciued, Phil. 2.13. much more to the acquiring of a new degree. To the fecond, Not onely by lfrengthning our inner man; but by encreafing degrees of Grace; as appeares both by greater fcruour, and more delightfome exercife both ofelicite and imperare Aets : As allo by abilitie to encounter ffronger oppofites. To the third, Not without vs, as his inflrumcnts : yet fo with vs, as that both our endeauours are his foie worke, and the blefling or good iffue tneerely from him, 1 Cor. 15.1t. Pelagiaas is long frnce dead , I would his heretic but ílept with him; hee [hall be imprudent who needlefly ífirres vp memorie of it. Minde we our duetie; thankfully to notice Gods fa_ uourin euery leaff addition to our meafures of Grace fira receiued. An adinonion in no refped more neceflàrie, then in regard ofour growth. WI o,except wilfully blin- ded with Pride, afcribes his firff Conuerfion to his owne merits, or abilities, or endeauours ? Confcience minds him of his former walking, memorie of his fecuritie, fenfe of difabilitie. If any where Pride or vnthankfulneffe infirm ate, moff, in thofe increafes of Grace wee haue felt fnce firff Conuerfion. He is a rare man, who herein afcribes not fomething to his owne endeauours. Therefore the Lord pleafeth to permit his children decaies and declinations, fuck as oft breed iealoufie.s of gracious effate, and dreadfull fcares of whole Apoffafie. 2. Often to d QPaasfes and fizandings at flay,fo great, fo long, that hardly, or not at all they perceiue their bettering in Grace,bymeanes moll potent. Wherefore all this? but either to chaffen, or to preuent our pride and vnthanke- fulneffe. A wife man feeth the plague, and hideth himfelfe. .-. r,:.