é Pfal.gz.t3. 7Jfe. rHeL.d.g; k a.Tim.t3* C H A P.I. An Expofition vponthefecond V a N.3,, Lord and Sauieur IejutC'hrifl. t. God for this end hath_ propounded vs different meafures of glorious rewards, to be proportioned to our meafures of grace. 2. Expels meafures of obedience,anfwerable to our meanes. 3. And who knawes, what fight of af$i'tions he referues vs for ? Faith ouer- increafeth,Loue ouerfloweth: 74e01, is : the rneafure of their encreafe; ouer, and abounding. Yet be- ware you thinke not they ouergrew their duetie : irtutu non ell nimium,necbonitatis extremum. As God path or- dered the flare of his children in this life, no man fhaUl e. uer reach to g heighth of perfedion.ln thefe graces of faith and charitie, none fhall euer be able to fupererogate, Pa- pifts.themfelues confeflïng. I wonder,why rather in Cha. (title and Humilitie ? But thus vnderfland the Apoflle, wiI'ling inxhis 46:cus, to expreffe fomething more then ordinary in theirgrowth. Elfe, which.I rather thinke, to intimate they had ouer- grownemany their coxtaneos in Grace,and were,in corn- parifon,ouerlowing. Compare r Thef. t.7,8. They h grow all who areplanted in Clods houfe, yet is not the growth of all equal!. The whole body encreafèth, but after the rneafure of euery part. E'ph.4. t 8. The little fin- ger growes not to the quantitie of an arme, yet hath its proportionall increafe. Reafons are I. more or le% frequent and holy vfe of meanes, Pfal.92.13,14. item 84.4,7. 2 Difpofition or fitnefle to receiue gracious impreffì- ens more or leffe,fuppofe humilitie,vfe of gifts, obedience, thankfulnefí'e. 3 Chiefly the will of him that diflributes,i Cone 2,1 t. Eph.4.7. and glues the encreafe. Beware howyou paffe cenfure of infinceritie, or meere W,on praficiencieon them, whofe proceedings are not.an- fwerable to your owne. Saint 'Paul durfl not fentence Hebrews to be hypocrites, though they flucke Hill in Prin- ciples, Notwithftanding their long pawfing,heis perfwa- ded of them i filch things as a wcompanie faluation. I like neither women nor men, who are & euer learning,and neuer come