C H A P.I. Epiffle to the Theffalonianr. come to knowledge of neceffarie truth : I Growth euer ac- companies gracious endeauours ; yet cannot but thinke charitably of meanefi proficients. Thus thinke ; if thy growth be more, yet is not his none. Pride not thy Idle, but be more thankful! ; and this know, where god m con,- mitt more -,he expeHs the more. Your faith ouerincreafeth, and your charitie ouer$ow- eth. 2 hefe fllergraces, thefe fideles Comites and infepara- bilesforores, as Bernard cals them,grow, fiourifh, and fade together. As Hippocrates his twins,they la ugh and weepe, they grow and decay,liue and die together. Mutually,though differently, they are nourifhable each to other : faith to charitie, hath the refpe& of a caufe; the apprehenfionand naffurancewe haue of'Cods loue to vs,°for- cetl , after a fort, to loue of god and his children. Charirie to faith, as an euidence. Would I perfwade my (elfe to loue of Brethren? thus I difcourfe ; When I mu an P enemie, I was reconciled to God by the death of his Sonne. q If God fo lowed me, ought not Ito loue his Children ? Would I firengthen my faith, and perfwafton of Gods loue to my foule? Thus I proceed. r They that loue the brethren, are tranfìated from death to life. My heart tels me,1 loue the Brethren. Thence I inferre the conclufion for faith to clafpe clofer veto : Therefore I am tranflated from death to life. InChrifllefitsneither Circumcifion auaileth anything, nor vncircumcif on, t but faith which worketh by loue.None euer loved Gods childe quá talis , into whole heart the fence of Gods loue was not firfl fhed, at leali infiilled by the holy Ghofi giuen vnto him : feelefi thou thy loue to any of Gods children languifh? know its difcomfortable, 1 meane if Gods Image !billing in him allure not affe&ion. Hellifhly euill, if that be the reafon of thy hatred or lefîe louing : yet wouldfi thou frame or halfe force thy -heart to his :loue ? Thy faith, if any, will fuggefi, how God ;the fa-. ther ofthat (inner or enemie, when thou - wall an enemie, reconciled thee to himfelfe: how dailythis mercies are renew ed,., VRR.3. "t lohn 4.rg. ° aCor.5.14. P Rom.ç.to. q I Iohn 4.I I. ! t lobo 3.14.