f",`iei (`k2Fi,` 10 X P °PCr1.7.tz. i .;b * ¡lohn 4.1 2,. Iac.2.18. Y r Pct.3.17. = a Pet.4. to. 2 Ecc1.7.zi b Mat.7.;. ' t Pet.4.8. C H A P.Y. An Expo* ion vpon thefecond V E R. 3. ed, notwithf+anding his a dailyprouocatiens by thy fnes. 'Tis faithlefneffe onely that makes vncharitable. Doth faith faint or wauer ? Charitie puts new life,addes vigourvnto it. Tell me thou who doubter+ of Gods loue to thy foule, how feeler+ thou thy heart affeted towards them that are Gods? finder+ thou thy felfe enamoured on the beautie of Gods Image, fhining in his children ? cloth that draw thy affeo+ion? my foule for thine, thou art be.. loued of God. Its the weakneffe of thine vnderfianding, to beleeue the pra:nrifes, and doubt of the conclufion.The great God of heauen and earth," No man bath feene at anytime: his Image he rcprefents to vs in his children, willing thereby to eleuateour affe&ion to hitnfelfe : aflù- ring vs,that he accepts and efleemes that loue of his portrai- ture, a? loue ofhimfelfe.. O we of little faith; why doubt we of loue to our God, while wee loue thofe that are Gods ? or queriion Gods loue ro vs, whole hearts he hath framed to loue of his children ? I doubt not, what euer Papif{s fay, but where faith is, there is charitie : nor Papifls themfelues, but where chari- tie truly fo called is, there is faith. Its hard to fay whether our lacke of faith be imputable to lacke ofcharitie ; or our want ofloue, to defeó of faith : yet to th'exercife of faith, and x euidencing of it, charitie is much auaileable. Thus thou mairt encreafe it. z. Y Loue brotherly fellowlbip. Ig- noti nulla Cupido : nor is any fuch loadffone ofaffedtion,as focietie of Gods children. 2. As z euery man hath recei- ved the gift, fo let him di.Flribute : hee ¡hall fo euidence, gaine loue of Brethren. 3. a Giue not thy heart to ester), word that men fpeake : and b why feell thou themoats of thy Brother ? Lome c comers amultitudeof finnes : Leffe ami- able feemes Gods Image, by curious noticing their nxues and blemishes. Before we paffe to th'ifi'ue and effect of their growth; th'amplìfïcation of their abundant charitie cals for our no- tice. In it are two things I. Vniuerfalitie. 2. Recipro- cation. The charitie of euery one of you all towards each other. An ArVi