in our aflli6tions. 'Praline 1 T 9.71. 3 Yet more, willingly to beare the punifhment of our finne, or tryall ofour grace. Mic.7.9. 4 The highci degree,which Saint lames feetnes to call the perfect worke of patience, is,to reioyce in tribulation. See lam.T .2,4. AR. r. The vaile it hath to per euerancein goodrieflê; Pail and our Sauiourpoints vs vnty. Cr 12.1. Luk 8. 15. & 2 T,19. And in a`.l experience it hath beene found true, molt haue Rumbled at the crolfe, thorough defeC of this branch of fortitude. T What thorough loue of cafe ; moflly we are of Iq r_ chars tribe. 2 What thorough giuing raines to Heftily reafon, to prefcribe vnto prouidence, courfes of equitie, 4141.3.26. Pfa1.73. 3 To which may be added, that wee vfually meafure goodneffe by fenfe; know no good, but what is good to nature. ?fill 4.6. 4 And that in afiiiCti- ens, wee tranfcend not Rate of this life, nor haue wife - dome to confider, the goodneJe Laid vp in fiore for vs a- gaint+ the world CO come. Pfal.31. i 9. z Cor.4.1 if. That, not without ciufe, Paul prayes encreafe of patience, as ne- celfarie to eftablifhwenr. Meanes to werke and encreafe it. i What euer our crofies are, or may bee, lufily wee are in them: how fol- Iowcs not the refolution ? Willingly to beate Gods cha- flifement, Pith we haue fo finned againR him. Mic.7.9. z Companion to this end is marvellous auaileable. r Ofour fufferings for Chrihi, with f his fuffering for vs. 2 Of our momentary of iC }ions in this life, with the endlefe torments of Hell defcrued by our firmes ; from which 6y5 thefe, as meanes, we are freed. 3 Of ourfuffe- ring With our h glory that flail bee revealed. 4 Of our felues vnder the Croífe, with men left to perith in their finnes, thorough lacke of of 5tions. See 2 Tim. 3. -t 3. Hof:4.i4. Pro. T.32. 5. Of our feines, with our felues; our feInes afllieted, with our feines at cafe; how lan.guifh- ing in de ;.,otion? How ventroufly exorbitant? How fe- cure, and fórgetfullof our God, doetli ptoflieritie niake R4 vs? r Heb,IZ,s. g I Cam i.32. L Rom8.18,