248 C H A P.3. An Expolitiott vpon thefecond V E R.5. vs ? See Pftme 30. 6. and tag. 67. 2 Sanauci ; I. 2, 2, &c 3 Coníderation of what they euideiice patiently borne. ilich,aa,6.7. fl Gods i fatherly loue and care of vs. z His glorious 1, i Put 4,14. & )irits refting vpon vs. 3 Our 1 taking out of the world. i lohn a1.a9. 4 Medi;:ation of their fingular effè &s. $ n Peruerting " COT 12.7. .7 (lilacs. 2 Reducing from finne. 3 o Mortifying it in our members. 4 Making kno,vne grace fecrct. 5 o utck- °Hoi, 15. Winn grace lar, uifliin' P i> Iob t. tat. g br g g. 6 Iuflifying our fiuceritic. 4z Cor 4.17. 7 q Working our glory. If that other rendring better pleafe, the patient miiting for Chrsît, with whole comrning is coniuneI the recoin- penfe of our labours, it alto had.) its auaile to our eflabtifb- ment. See lam, 5.7,8.Hebr. io,36,37. Meanes to further it : meditate t the reward is gratui r Rom.r a 35. tous ; r who bath giuen him frfit ? 2 Great and glorious, tRom.8.13. farce about the (proportion of all our feruice or i'ufF rings C a or.4. 3 In meafure, filch as may a fupporr, and folate vs in our t Rom,8,23. Z COT.I.22 paffions, afions in this Iife vouchfafed, in our fanb if- Roinaq.r7. cation, peace of conlcience, and ioy of the holy Ghof}. u 1am4,7. 4 And the ° Lord is at hand; behold bee comes qnicIoely, *Apoc.az.u, and his reward is with him. The fulnefl'e indeedais refer- ued till the finali confammation; howbeit, the foule of euery Saint, this fhort Iife ended, enters into the ioy of their Mailer. 14.13. 5 Ends alfo of differring would be weighed : whereof fee lieb. I I. vit, 2 Pet.3. y. And of Pauls preface to his tart and perempto rie proceeding thus farce. Like holy Oratorie, I would faine commend to any bre- thren of the Miniffery; prudently to infinuate, and winde themfelnnes into the good opinion of the people, home ewer ex -- 2 I CoT,q,zl. tranao,ant : that, where the 2 rodmuß be vied, rather then the fpirit of meekenefe, yet they may perceiue our lowing affeelion. Better, to the very rellifh of prudent deliii- lPro.a7,6, ,qucuts, are the r firipes ofa friend, then the kif es of an enetnie. Dauid prayes for reproofe, yet would haue it zPfal.141>$, x friendly; then its pretious oyle, foueraigne baifomein the fruit, and in his wifeefleemc. V. What wife man approues the temper of Efau,his body, in